Is Eva Air safe

Yes, Eva is a 5-star airline that Provides services to over 40 destinations without any loss of life and promises of reaching out at the entrance of the destination safely and holds 9th rank in the list of top 20 safest airlines with FAA certification and Star Alliance Membership.  

Even at the time of covid, it was the main concern of the airlines that the passengers who were traveling were required to submit the PCR test report and the report timing must not have crossed 48 hours in order to protect the health of the passengers. Eva is one of the leading airlines in the world which stands for evergreen airways and provides its services in North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. It is a Taiwanese airline that generally deals with cargo services and operating passengers. 

According to the latest rating which was conducted by the Airline ratings in 2023 stated that Eva holds the 9th position among the top best 23 airlines. So it clearly states that getting the services from Eva Airlines would be a good option if you are planning for an international trip.

But now the question arises what is so special about Eva and is Eva Air a safe airline for you? Well before reaching out to a conclusion we must discuss about the services that helped it in standing in the queue of best airlines.

What Makes Eva Airlines Safe?

What Makes Eva Airlines Safe 

“Safety without compromise” is a leading factor of Eva which it stands on because it sincerely fulfills the promises that it has made to its passengers. Either we talk about the protocols of covid, effective measures and strategies for running airlines or the pattern of training its crew, Eva has not disappointed in any of these measures so here is an overview of steps that has been taken by it to prove that it truly deserves to stand in the queue of best and safest airlines.    

1. Safety Measures 

Safety Measures 

Eva uses FORAS before each flight. FORAS stands for Flight Operations Risk Assessment System. It is practiced in order to keep the details regarding the status of the crew, weather conditions, MEL, airport NAVIADAS etc. For the sake of the safety of passengers, the FORAS is conducted 2 and a half hours before the flight so that the safety measures could be applied prior in case of emergency.  

2. IOSA Certification 

On the basis of security measures and services, Eva has not only gained a renowned position among international airlines but also on the basis of biennial audits it has registered its name in the IOSA certification list and secured excellent marks from the end of and JACDEC. 

3. Rank Ninth by Airlineratings

Rank Ninth by Airlineratings

With its performance, Eva secured 9th rank among the top 20 safest airlines. The survey was conducted by which was based on the safety measures that were taken at the time of covid, innovations in the aircraft, proper and effective training of the pilots, and the feedback from the aviation governing and top organizations.  

According to Geoffrey Thomas, the editor chief of, Eva is one of the safest airlines that consistently works on innovating safety measures, shows concern for operational excellence, and launched some highly advanced aircraft for the passengers such as Airbus, A350, and Boeing 787.

4. Pilot Training 

Pilot Training 

Around 90% responsibility of the safe landing of a flight relies on the shoulders of a pilot so it is mandatory for every airline to provide excellent training to their pilots. According to the Eva guidelines the pilot who has completed at least 3 years of contract with it and has completed 1500 flight hours can only apply to become a pilot. 

Besides this, there are some guidelines that are mentioned below which is strictly applied by Eva Airlines on all the pilots who command every flight that takes off 

  • Every pilot carries JAA FAA and  ICAO ATPL and first-class medical with them. 
  • Holds a non-accident or incident certificate from the organization they have worked before 
  • Experience of a total of 2000 flight hours. 
  • Proficient in FAA English or carries ICAO aviation level four certificate in English. 
  • 500 hours of experience in MTOW, crew jet, commercial multi-engine 
  • An employment reference from the aviation industry for 5 years. 


Eva air airlines is totally safe to travel and cover different destinations because as we discussed above it is certified from the aviation organizations and performs assessment FORAS so it is totally worth it to travel with.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Has Eva ever faced any kind of incident or accident?

No, it has not faced any kind of incidents from the day of establishment till now. 

Is Eva FAA certified?

Yes, it is FAA certified.

In which kind of flights Eva deals with, domestic or international?

It deals with international flights. 
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