Avianca Airlines which flies from Columbia is safe to fly. Its safety record is also good. Approximately, 8 major and a few minor accidents have been witnessed by the airline. Moreover, the airline has improved overall safety with lower fatalities after the late 2000s. 

The 1990 Flight 052 accident was a major failure causing 71 people to die including the five crew members. The investigation concluded that it was the pilot and crew’s inability to inform and take swift actions for fuel shortage. Surely, after the incident, suspicions about the airline’s safety

 increased among people. You must have also read about the news and wondered is Avianca a safe airline. Read the next detailed analysis to get answers to all your queries. 

Detailed Analysis To Determine Is Avianca Airlines Safe

Airline Legal NameAerovías del Continente Americano, S.A. AVIANCA
AddressAv Calle 26 No 59-15 Piso 6 Bogota, Colombia

Avianca Airlines first started its operations in 1919 from Columbia. It is the national and largest airline of the country. From its beginnings, till the present time, it has met almost 8 major accidents. The last recorded was in 1999. It is actually a good record with very minimum incidents of fatalities. 

Avianca Airlines has gained the experience to handle unprecedented risks and hence can be termed as safe. Recently, on April 25, its plane was hit by a bird causing a disbalance to occur. However, the pilot and crew handled the situation well and landed smoothly. This story is one of the few examples to solidify the trust in Avianca Airlines. While other valid points await a brief discussion to determine if the airline is safe to fly or not. 

Avianca Airlines Fleet

Avianca Airlines Fleet

Avianca Airlines has 189 aircraft consisting of Airbus and Boeing series. The most number of planes are the Airbus A 320 which is 113 in the count. The average fleet is 8.6 years old. It is comparatively moderate. Not too young, nor old, given the airline’s existence in the industry. Both the aircraft series are well known and the modern planes are built with advanced technology to adapt and handle the risks that occur while flying. 

Green Light to Avianca Airlines by IATA

Avianca Airlines is an International Air Transport Association-Certified airline. It qualifies for the international standards and that is why it is appreciated with the IATA membership and certification. 

This audit occurs after two years to evaluate the present safety status of the airline. Various factors 

prescribed by ICAO are bundled up to finally certify an airline as safe. This ensures all airlines are judged on the same criteria and an unbiased judgment could be helpful for the passengers. 

Avianca Airlines is a Star Alliance Member

Avianca Airlines is a Star Alliance Member

Another point that can add some stability to Avianca Airlines’ safety standards is its partnership with the Star Alliance group. This is one of the largest groups of airlines worldwide and sets a bunch of standards for its members, ensuring a convenient and safe journey for the passengers. 

Avianca Airlines also needs to follow these standards, which adds a bit of guarantee that the airline will be strict to the protocols to be a long-term member of the alliance. Although, this is not a 100% fool-proof method to judge an airline’s safety. But, it surely increases hope and trust. 

Years of Experience and Safety Record

Avianca Airlines is a Star Alliance Member

Last and most important is the clear track record of Avianca Airlines in terms of accidents and fatalities. Despite the fact it started early when there were lesser guidelines about how to safely operate, manage and repair an aircraft, the airline has done pretty well. Surely, not the best, but comparatively really good. 

After marking a century-old presence in the airline industry, it has learned from the highs and lows and how to deal with them. It has more than 19,000 employees flying 29.4 million passengers. The number of people it passes yearly is also a remarkable value to judge is Avianca Airlines safe.

Overview of Avianca Airline Safety


Is Avianca a safe airline? Yes, surely it is. It has prepared and maintains strict protocols which need to be followed by its staff and crew members for a safe and healthy flight landing. Avianca is a 3-star airline. It could be its quality that keeps the score low for it. However, the customer feedback for Avianca Airlines is positive. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How safe is Avianca Airlines?

Avianca Airlines is a pretty safe airline with less accidents in its 100-plus years of work history. 

What is the fleet size and age of Avianca Airlines? 

Avianca Airlines fleet consists of 189 aircrafts which are 8.5 years on average. 

How bad is Avianca Airlines’ safety record? 

Surprisingly, Avianca Airlines’ safety record is good with minimum accidents and fatalities. Apart from a few major incidents that caused more than 100 deaths. 

What happened to Avianca Airlines in 1990? 

The Flight 052 of Avianca Airlines met with a hazardous accident leading to the death of 71 people on board. Even 5 crew members died. The major cause of death is investigated as the staff’s failure to inform about the fuel shortage and lack of timely action. 
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